Drunk Driving District Trial Advice on Good Measures

Drunk Driving District Trial Advice on Good MeasuresThe advice of leniency in the drunk driving district trial is that if you drive after drinking alcohol, you will have to be punished according to the Road Traffic Act applied in Korea, and the license will be suspended along with the punishment.A lawyer specializing in drunk driving emphasized that the license should be revoked as it was confirmed to be high in body alcohol levels from 0.08 percent or more, and that if an accident is caused and a car is damaged or a victim, it will be given criminal responsibility as well as serious civil responsibility.If a victim is injured by drinking and driving, he or she will be sentenced to more than one year in prison or fined more than 10 million won to 30 million won, and if the victim dies due to this accident, he or she will be sentenced to up to three years in prison.In the case of a fatal accident, unlike the injury case, a fine is not stipulated, so there is a high possibility of being arrested in court, especially drunk driving, so if you have a similar criminal record, it will be more difficult to ask for leniency this time.However, the constitutional court recently ruled unconstitutional against the Lee Jin-out system, which was being applied in Korea, so if it is a criminal record that occurred a long time ago, it will not be greatly affected, explained a lawyer specializing in drunk driving.With the help of a lawyer specializing in drunk driving, we asked to find out together about cases where drunk driving district trials were possible in a safe direction.A said, “After drinking alcohol, I drove the car myself, causing a shock from behind without properly recognizing the car in front of me, causing two weeks of injury to the driver of the damaged vehicle.”Since it was a problem that was expected to be a drunk driving district trial and even a prison sentence, Mr. A said that he asked a drunk driving lawyer for help from the beginning with fear and responded more clearly.On the day of the incident, Mr. A said that after finishing work with his colleagues, he had a drinking party and got in the car directly to go home, and that he continued to drive a little dangerous without making a proper judgment due to alcohol, but eventually led to an accident.Mr. A was also very surprised, so the suspect victim immediately reported it to the police, and Mr. A said that his license was revoked as he tried to measure his respiratory system and found that the alcohol level was 0.08% or higher at the time.As it was an incident in which not only drove after drinking but also injured the victim after causing an accident, Mr. A said he finally realized how serious a problem he had caused.He said that he had no change just because he regretted it now, so he asked a lawyer specializing in drunk driving for help for a safe solution, and in any case, he decided to come up with a response strategy for suspension of execution for Mr. A, who wanted to avoid court arrest following the trial of drunk driving.However, he said that the problem was that Mr. A was caught making a false statement once, so he kept admitting his mistake at first, but then he reversed his statement and continued to make remarks that avoided responsibility due to concerns about punishment.After taking charge of the case, the trial legal representative in the drunk driving district judged that it is difficult to deny the charges at the moment considering the black box video inside the vehicle, including CCTV footage, and stressed that it is important to admit your fault to seek leniency.In addition, as it was an incident in which the victim occurred, it was important to reach an agreement and express no punishment, so he actively helped, and fortunately, the other driver agreed on the appropriate line as the damage was not large.During the investigation, the agent emphasized that there was a history of A’s request for a driver before driving the car himself, and actively explained the situation where he ended up driving the car because he couldn’t dispatch the car even though he had waited for a long time.The victim was caused by the accident, but the damage was not large, and now the other driver does not want to punish A after the agreement, and A is now able to actively claim that he is seriously admitting his suspicions and reflecting on himself.However, he said it was very difficult to ask for leniency in drunk driving because it was true that A caused an accident while driving and the victim was injured as a result.In addition, it was questionable whether he could ask for leniency because there was a situation where he denied any charges and reversed the statement, but as a result, he stressed that it was not the purpose of denying the allegations that drunk driving lawyers reversed the statement together from the beginning of the incident.Thanks to that, the court said that A was suspended based on the fact that he is currently admitting the charges and reflecting on them, that he worked hard to recover from the damage, that he reached an agreement, and that he also has a voluntary plan to prevent recidivism.It was difficult to avoid taking compliance driving lectures and social service orders, but he said it was the best result for Mr. A.If you are caught driving while drinking, your license can be suspended or revoked even if you don’t have an accident, which is given over a year.In the event of an interpersonal or objective accident, the disqualification period may be extended to two years, and in the case of a similar ex-convict, the period may be extended to three years following the trial of drunk driving.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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