If you look at the treatment methods and preventive exercises for early shoulder symptoms

If you look at the treatment methods and preventive exercises for early shoulder symptoms50 shoulder is a disease that causes inflammation and pain in the joint sac surrounding the shoulder joint. It is said that it usually occurs after people in their 50s, so it was named 50 shoulders, but it is said that it is frequently seen in young people these days. However, it is said that many people leave their shoulders unattended without knowing that they have 50 shoulders and often worsen the disease. So today, I’m going to introduce the cause and symptoms of 50 shoulders, and how to self-diagnose and treat them.If shoulder pain appears, I think it’s almost 50 shoulders, but more than half of the patients with 50 shoulders are actually diagnosed with other shoulder diseases such as rotator tendon rupture. Therefore, you have to visit the hospital for diagnosis. In particular, if the pain is severe when raising your arm or you can’t sleep at night, you should suspect your 50 shoulders.Cause of 50 shoulder 1. Age: Arthritis may occur due to aging.2. Genetic factors: If you have a family history, you may have a high risk of arthritis.3.Injury: Arthritis may occur if a joint is injured or overloaded.4. Overweight: Overweight and obesity can strain the joints and cause arthritis.5. Inflammatory diseases: inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and tonic spondylitis can cause arthritis.6. Metabolic abnormalities: Metabolic abnormalities such as hyperuricemia and diabetes can cause arthritis.7.Infections: If a joint is infected with bacteria or viruses, arthritis may occur.Early 50 shoulder symptoms 1. joint pain: especially when moving or sitting When I wake up, I sometimes feel pain around my joints.2. Joint rigidity: The joint may be difficult to move or become rigid.3. Joint edema: Edema may occur or swell around the joint.4. Joint inflammation: The area around the joint may turn red and you may feel feverish.5. Joint noise: You may hear a creaking sound during joint motion or bone friction.In the early stages of treatment, non-surgical treatment such as drug therapy or injection physical therapy can improve, but surgical treatment may be necessary if the damage range is already wide. Also, please refer to the constant exercise therapy as it is useful.Exercise that is good for 50 shoulders Muscle exercises, stretching, and balance exercises are good for 50 shoulders. Exercise that strengthens the muscles around the shoulder helps in muscle exercises, and stretching helps keep the shoulder joints flexible. But rather than pushing too hard, it’s better to do it steadily considering your physical condition.50 Shoulder Prevention 1. Proper exercise: Strengthen muscles and maintain flexibility in joints through muscle exercises and flexibility exercises.2. Weight Care: Maintain proper weight because overweight and obesity can strain your joints.3. Correct posture: Maintain the correct posture and avoid movements that burden joints in daily life.4. Thermotherapy: Bathing in hot water or using a heat pack to keep joints comfortable.5. Healthy eating habits: Maintain healthy eating habits such as eating anti-inflammatory foods and reducing salt and simple sugar.6. Stress Management: Look for ways to manage stress because stress can worsen the symptoms of arthritis.Shoulder joint diseases such as 50 shoulders can be sufficiently improved by non-surgical treatment if detected in the early stages, so let’s prevent them in advance!5. Healthy eating habits: Maintain healthy eating habits such as eating anti-inflammatory foods and reducing salt and simple sugar.6. Stress Management: Look for ways to manage stress because stress can worsen the symptoms of arthritis.Shoulder joint diseases such as 50 shoulders can be sufficiently improved by non-surgical treatment if detected in the early stages, so let’s prevent them in advance!5. Healthy eating habits: Maintain healthy eating habits such as eating anti-inflammatory foods and reducing salt and simple sugar.6. Stress Management: Look for ways to manage stress because stress can worsen the symptoms of arthritis.Shoulder joint diseases such as 50 shoulders can be sufficiently improved by non-surgical treatment if detected in the early stages, so let’s prevent them in advance!Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imageHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next one

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